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Zadnjih nekoliko dana pisao sam pitanja po raznim stranim forumima jer imam problem s bonsaijem - gubitak listova. Iz tog razloga kopirati ću tekst koji sam postao na tim forumima na engleskom, da ne prepisujem sve ponovo na Hrvatskom. Nadam se da to neće predstavljati problem.
I bought wonderful Ficus bonsai tree a year ago and I have several problems with it.
When I bought it a year ago, it looked like this:
Bonsai Ficus Microcarpa - gubitak lista
It had a lot of green leaves on all branches and everything was great. It lasted for several months, and then my Ficus started loosing leaves.
Now my Ficus looks like this:
Bonsai Ficus Microcarpa - gubitak lista
Bonsai Ficus Microcarpa - gubitak lista
Bonsai Ficus Microcarpa - gubitak lista
Bonsai Ficus Microcarpa - gubitak lista
As you can see, now it's branches are quite "naked" and it has mainly leaves on the of branches.
I have noticed that it looses all kinds of leaves from really small and young one's to normal big leaves:
Bonsai Ficus Microcarpa - gubitak lista
Now there are some branches that don't have a single leaf on it. That branches have green bud on top of it, but it seems to me as if the leaf won't grow from that bud (the bud looks the same for weeks, but no leaf):
Bonsai Ficus Microcarpa - gubitak lista
I have also noticed that some young leaves are wrinkled:
Bonsai Ficus Microcarpa - gubitak lista
I added a small dose of standard fertilizers NPK (10+6+7) 5 months ago. I water it every 10 days with approximately 1 Litre of water. It stands on light position in my flat. The temperature is approximately 22 degrees Celsius (71 Fahrenheit). The humidity is "flat" like (around 35% during winter).
I'm not a bonsai expert, and I really need your advice. What do I need to do, so that my bonsai would look like when I bought it? Do I need to add some special fertilizer for bonsai trees, cut specific branches, or something else?
Ljudi, hvala vam na pomoći!