Po čemu je očito?
On numerous occasions (virtually exceptionless in fact) of Walter Pall posting some original or at least unusual idea you practically repost it on this forum stating that you too will do something like it.
Since you mentioned Picasso in one of your previous posts, it is perfectly obvious when someone copies him, even if the motive (or the colours, or <whatever>) is "original" t.i. something Picasso has never painted/drawn/sculpted/used). In short:
style can be copied. Bottom-line: you copy Walters.
Let's understand each other: there's nothing wrong with copying itself. You just seem to be copying exclusively Walter Pall.
Ovo je potpuno izdeformirana u photoshopu posuda, dakle ovu posudu koju sam "ja napravio" nema nitko svijetu.
So if I photoshop Picasso, I can then proclaim it 1. mine, 2. original?
Znači ako se nešto "kopira" stoljećima i svuda po svijetu onda je to dopušteno?
I don't know, you tell me. Nevertheless, there are doors, for example, and there are doors. They all do the job of separating inside from the outside. But if it says "Walter Pall" on it, it's pretty obvious who lives behind it. Hint: it's not Andrijachi. No, wait!, my bad
it is Andrijachi.