Mi prevodimo ove Pallove članke sa engleskog, pa ako još netko ima u planu nešto prevoditi neka javi ovdje i neka se uhvati nekog drugog članka da ne radimo dupli posao:
- Thoughts About Viewing Bonsai
- Garbage for Dinner
- Blind in one eye
- Pattern Recognition in Judging Bonsai, or How Bonsai Taste Evolves
... i još:
- Wabi and Sabi: The Aesthetics of Solitude
1. Koren, Leonard. Wabi-sabi for Artists, Designers, Poets & Philosophers. Berkeley, CA: Stone Bridge Press, 1994.
2. Juniper, Andrew. Wabi-sabi: the Japanese Art of Impermanence. Boston: Tuttle, 2003.
3. Chan, Peter. Bonsai Master Class. New York: Sterling, 1988.