Da, to sam i ja mislila, ali sam onda čitala o slučaju ubojstva filadendrona i reakciji druge biljke... Pronašla sam to, al je na engleskom.
"Plants - do they really have souls?
Cleve Backster, a lie-detector expert who heads a school on lie-detection for policemen and security agents in New York City, rather accidentally detected primary perception in plants in 1968. While at work one day, he hooked his polygraph up to a tropical plant on his desk, just to see what would happen. After watering it, he was surprised to see that it produced a pattern on the graph very similar to that of a person after receiving a positive emotional stimulus. After further testing, he found that, somehow, the very thought of setting fire to its leaves drastically changed the pattern of the graph. It seemed as though the plant could not only feel, but also read his mind.
Later tests also showed that plants show concern for other organisms, as well as each other. Backster connected a potted philodendron to a polygraph unit. In another room, an assistant dropped both live and dead shrimp into a pot of boiling water. At the instant live shrimp were dropped, the polygraph showed significant electrical changes in the plant, while there was no reaction when the dead shrimp were dropped into the pot. The plant actualled showed empathy for the live shrimp who were being boiled.
In another fascinating and rather incredible experiment, Backster was able to identify a plant killer through his polygraph machine. The plants pointed to the real killer by reacting wildly to him. In his best selling book, The Psychic Power of Plants, author and plant expert John Whitman describes Backster's experiment: "One of six students was chosen to kill a plant in a room with only one plant present. Neither Backster nor the five other students knew who the killer would be. The chosen student sneaked into the room with two plants and destroyed one of them. Backster later asked the students to come into the room one at a time.
"Each of the innocent students came into the room and the plant showed no reaction to any of them. But when the guilty student came into the room, the plant seemed to go into a frenzy which showed up as wild activity on the polygraph tracings." "
Malo je dugačko, ali isplati se pročitati. Ne razumijem se u tehnike kojima su te biljke testirali, ali kad su već stručnjaci...
Iz toga moram zaključiti da ili misle ili osjećaju, na neki način. Ne kao ljudi, ali na neki način nkoji je svojstven samo biljkama i koji mi nikad nećemo iskusiti...Osim ak reinkarnacija postoji