Pozivamo Vas da ovdje pod ovu temu stavljate slike svojih primjeraka stabala koje prijavljujete za Kritiku.
Isto tako, sva pitanja vezana uz "Kritiku stabala" možete postavaljati ovdje.
- pozvani su svi uzgajivači (članovi klubova i oni koji to nisu) kako iz Hrvatske tako i iz inozemstva,
koji mogu osigurati da stabla budu na dan održavanja Kritike u Bistri
- svaki uzgajivač može prijaviti do 7 stabala
- za kritiku su pogodna stabalca u svim fazama uzgoja - od sirovog materijala (neobrađenog), pa sve do gotovih bonsaija.
- ukoliko se nakon prijave uzgajivač predomisli oko nekog drva, može naknadno uplodati slike drugoga, a prethodne izbrisati
- uz svaku sliku treba upisati:
redni broj stabalca koje prijavljujete (1-7):
narodno ime:
latinsko ime:
promjer debla/nebarija:
Potrudite se da slike budu što kvalitetnije sa neutralnom pozadinom.
Kotizacija za donošenje materijala na tree critique iznosi 50 kn po komadu donesenog materijala.
Instead of standard demonstrations or workshops I have developed another concept for a major lecture: People bring one or several trees to the public critique. The trees should be in all stages of development: outright raw material, intermediate and 'finished' bonsai. They should be in all variations of quality: very poor, normal, very good.
Normally I get from 10 to 30 trees for such a lecture. I then thoroughly analyze every single tree and discuss it with the audience. Make sure that everybody understands that a tree critique is about hearing the truth about a tree. Such a session can last from two hours to four hours.
The advantages over a regular demo: very educational, very entertaining, no cost to the club for demo trees, no problems of providing the right kind of demo material, interesting for all levels of experience, from outright novices to masters.
The advantages over a regular workshop: more educational than a normal workshop, more participants possible, in fact, the number is almost unlimited, participants with all levels of experience find it interesting.
I think this concept can dramatically change the mainstream demonstrations. I have the strong feeling that something must be done here. The public obviously does not accept the old-fashioned way as it used to anymore.
One idea is to have several masters doing a critique on the same trees on stage. Like one hour master #1, one hour master #2 etc.. This could be quite interesting. People in all stages of expertise should want to see this. We could get back the major part of the audience which we are loosing with standard demonstrations.
BTW: in case you are worried about the general tone of such a critique, I do know about the cultural differences. A critique in Europe will be much more direct than in America. An obvious amateurish tree will get moderate critique to not hurt a beginner too much. But I call a spade a spade in the end.