Čini mi se zanimljivo pogledati što su radili posljednih 100 godina s ovim stablima, kako su napredovala, u kojem stilu oblikovani, u kakvoj su zemlji i kako su ih uzgajali ...
The Larz Anderson Collection of Japanese Dwarfed Trees at the Arnold Arboretum was originally imported into the United States by the Honorable Larz Anderson in 1913, upon his return from serving as ambassador to Japan.
The core of the collection consists of seven large specimens of compact hinoki
cypress (Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Chabo-hiba’)—between 270 and 145 years old—that Anderson had purchased from the Yokohama Nursery Company (Figure 1). While these are certainly not the oldest Japanese dwarfed trees in the United States, they have been under cultivation longer than any other plants currently growing in North America. To be sure, dwarfed trees had been imported into the United States from Japan prior to 1913, but none of these plants are alive as far as I have been able to determine....THE ORIGINAL STYLES
Most of the Hinoki were originall styed as "Nakasu" or "Jikka" - two similar styles popular in the nineteenth century. The former being a conical shape where the branches overhang the pot, forming an image resembling Mount Fuji. The latter depicts a lakeside tree with branches sweeping out over the water, less formally conical. Neither of these styles are seen or refered to in modern bonsai circles.> The Magazine of the Arnold Arboretum No. 64 PDF - 68 stranica - 2.7 MB
PDF se sastoji od 3 članka o kolekciji bonsaija:
1. The Remarkable Journey of the Oldest Bonsai in America - 29 stranica
2. Portrait Gallery of the Larz Anderson Collection: 1913–2005 - 25 stranica
3. Rejuvenating and Reshaping the Larz Anderson 'Chabo-hibas' 9 stranica
Još jedan članak o kolekciji:
> The Larz Anderson Bonsai Collection